Life, Love, and Passports

Posts tagged “rain

Wet, Wet, Wet

What can I say? Rain is all around us and so the misery grows! It’s hard to believe that a hosepipe ban was in place not so long ago here in the Uk. Kudos to the English who somehow manage to cope with the downpour. The massive turnout at the Thames river for the Queen’s flotilla is testimony of their resilience.

Today my daughters had their sports day called off after a major downpour an hour before they were due to start. While I’m aware that we can’t just expect sunshine day in and day out. One day of sunshine a week is just ludicrous and quite frankly it is starting to wear me down. I bet even the farmers are complaining right about now because honestly nobody needs this much rain…ever!

As the day draws to a close I live in hope that I’ll be woken by blinding sunlight as opposed to being lulled into a false sense of security about the time to wake just because it still appears to be the middle of the night.
Hello summer! If it’s not too much to ask could you perhaps show up this year. Enough of your sulking already!

Sunday morning rain is falling

Just woke up to find it’s wet and overcast! The thing about Sunday to me anyway is that it should be sunny and bright. That may be too much to ask on an island where rain is but a second away. A girl can dream can’t she? So instead of the day conjuring up visions of fun and relaxation it now has me feeling dull and lacking enthusiasm.

I guess if today is considered a day of rest the best way to achieve it is to have the kind of weather that forces you to take it easy. As for me I shall take the bull by the horns and enjoy the new day and perhaps I’ll be rewarded with sunshine!

Ain’t no sunshine

After some glorious spells of sunshine we have been thrust into some awful weather! Since arriving in England I’ve realised how important it is to check the weather forecast because before long you realise that knowing how to discuss the weather is of national importance! Sadly for all the information about the weather you always seem to be caught unawares. Sometimes I think this must be the gloomiest place in the world and then the sun shines. So nevermind the cold rainy snaps we can rest assured knowing that the sun will shine again!
I guess I’ll never run out of conversation with random folk at the bus stop!